Since 1960, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) has inspired global change and supported efforts that generated over $1 trillion. AFP’s nearly 30,000 individual and organizational members raise over $100 billion annually, equivalent to one-third of all charitable giving in North America and millions more around the world.
Features writer for Advancing Philanthropy, the AFP’s quarterly membership magazine. Recent clips:
- “It’s All Relative: How Your Organization and Its Myriad Stakeholders Define and Measure Success,” Fall 2016 (PDF)
- “Once Upon a Time: How Storytelling Can Motivate Donors to Support Your Nonprofit Without Being Asked,” Summer 2016 (PDF)
- “Expect the Unexpected,” Summer 2016 (PDF)
- “Inspiring Better: How Relationship Fundraising Can Win Back Skeptical Donors and Change the Way Fundraisers Think about Approaching Them,” Spring 2016 (PDF)
- “What’s After Next? How Innovative Chief Executives Use Entrepreneurial Techniques to Lead and Motivate Their Staff and Volunteers to Succeed,” Winter 2016 (PDF)
- “The Corner Office — Full Speed Ahead: How Development Directors are Taking a Leadership Role through Vision, Resilience, and Commitment to Mission,” Winter 2016 (PDF)
- “Change for the Better: How CFRE International’s Updated Credential Reflects the Latest Best Practices,” Winter 2016 (PDF)
- “The Domino Effect: How Community Foundations are Teaming Up with One Another and with Local Nonprofits, Businesses, and Government to Innovate Solutions in Their Communities,” Fall 2015 (PDF)
- “Opening the Door: How Detroit’s Grand Bargain Illustrates Collaboration that has Provided New Opportunities, Unique Solutions, and Successful Outcomes,” Fall 2015 (PDF)
- “Deciphering DAFs: How the Simplicity of Donor-Advised Funds May Be Creating Complex Issues for Fundraising Professionals,” Summer 2015 (PDF)
- “See the Light: How a Culture of Philanthropy in Your Organization can Make a Difference in Morale, Board Motivation, and Donor Retention,” Winter 2015 (PDF)
- “More than the Sum of the Parts: What Makes a Fundraiser?” Fall 2014 (PDF)
- “Brilliant Ideas: How to Create an Unforgettable and Successful Event with Multimedia, Community Engagement, and Spotlighting Your Programs,” Summer 2014 (PDF)
- “Not a Money Pit!: How Nonprofits Can Convince Donors and Funders that Outcomes Can Be Achieved More Effectively When They Support Overhead along with Programs,” Spring 2014 (PDF)
Additional and high-resolution clips available upon request.